
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The American Dream Is Sublime Motivation

You grass have whateverthing you exigency, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set go forth to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose said wizard of the Statess founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln. America, the land of the free, the home of the brave. A coun estimate where it doesnt topic what color of skin a soulfulness has, how t every or short they are, or what family they came from and what does matter is values, and the come in of courage community have. The opportunities in America are endless, and for that reason, people in other countries would do anything to live the American inspiration .People will jaunt far and wide, traverse the entire continent, suffer each(prenominal) manner of spite and suffering, if they believe that, in the end, they will be rewarded, and there is zip fastener sort of like survival to motivate people. The ancient description of The American hallucination has been pursued by many, but only some hold it all the way. The novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the both poems, vision Deferred, by Langs long ton Hughes, and American envisage of Reality, by common ivy S. , Loganville, all portray the American in defecate. Today, many oversee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness instead they all speculate of fame, fortune, and respect.But even though not every ane can achieve these, without dreams or goals what would America be? The American dream is sublime motivating for accomplishing ones goals and producing achievements, so far when cloud with wealth the dream fits devoid and hollow. The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald embodies many themes, however the most evident one relates to the corruption of the American Dream in the 1920s where the Dream had been corrupted by the pursuit of wealth. When the American Dream was pure, motivation and ambition were key aspects to achieving life, liberty, and the pursuit of happ iness.In Gatsbys earlier long time he upheld towards the pure American Dream. No wasting time at Shafters, No more smoking or chewing, Read one alter book or magazine per week, Save $3. 00 per week, Be better to parents (Fitzgerald, 182). This is where Gatsby describes his pertly revised schedule and how he prepares to become a better person. Though, in the story Gatsby destroys the line up American Dream through his materialism. He no longer strives for the more precious things in life, but chases after Daisys love. Gatsby became corrupted because his main goal was to have Daisy, and from here money was everything to him and all he wanted to do was impress Daisy. Daisy symbolizes wealth and takes on the characteristics of money, Her translator is full of money(Fitzgerald, 127). His mansion and parties were all part of the plan to try and win Daisy over, the tainted dream was so vacate that having accouterments of wealth could nurture feelings of love. Hes the man who fixed t he World Series congest in 1919 (Fitzgerald, 78). The dream became so focused on money that any means of a obtaining it were over numerateed, even if it was unprincipled. Ignorance and the ideal of olfactory propertying out for oneself is prevalent.Where as, in the pure American Dream striving to accomplish ones own person-to-person goal is ones main focus. One should use the American Dream for motivation and hope that one can achieve ones personal goal. The American Dream should not be centered on money and other bourgeois things like Gatsby, but on a real goal that has true value. Imagine a bleak and empty future with nothing to look forward to, and in which not even a single advanced intention manifests into something any more tangible than a wish. Langston Hughes asks the profound fountainhead What happens to a dream deferred?The truth is that if a person if forced to bar his or her dreams, only negativity can be found. The poem depicts reliable human emotions when one ca nnot reach their goals or dreams. In other talking to the poem asks If your dreams remain out of reach, do you shrivel, drawing inward as hope becomes less and less? Or does the inaccessibility of your dreams create stress? Does the distance of the dream create frustration and anger, corrupting the soul and in the end creating an explosion of action or emotion? Langston Hughes uses a unique style, language, and wording to portray his point about dreams. Does it dry up, like a raisin in the sun? (2-3) This symbolizes a hardening, from a grape to a raisin. If a dream is destroyed it hardens the heart. It becomes useless just the like the dried up raisin. Hughes to a fault suggests that whitethornbe unrealized dreams are a heavy load which symbolizes a burden, something to heavy to bear, something that weighs a person down always. This poem is like the American Dream, if you do not pursue your dream right away it whitethorn slip away from you and eventually it will be gone. The Ame rican Dream can be fulfilled through hard word cast and passion, it will not come easy.Everyone has the opportunity to grasp the chance to become successful through dreams and goals. Langston Hughes realized the importance of dreams and having those dreams torn apart. His poem, Dream Deferred, uses soaked images to create a picture of a negative and destructive outcome for a dreamer left unable to dream. Nothing can relegate a man with the right kind attitude from achieving his goal nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude, Thomas Jefferson. So this is where all the dreaming takes me, to a cold, empty reality, this is the opening line of the poem The Dream of Reality, by Ivy S. , Loganville.Most dreams are meant to be dreams for a reason, but no matter how unreal it may seem, anything is possible with hard work and determination. Many Americans chthonic estimate their power they hold within themselves to accomplish goals, and assume they can never amoun t to what they dreamt to be. Reality strikes millions of people like a ton of bricks every day. Im barefoot and the streets are rough, paved with gloomy glass, but thats okay, cause the land is flowing with milk and honey, cabbage and butter, and justice. Life is not a promising thing, even though you may have a dream, that doesnt mean you will fulfill them.Those who pass off this out quickly enough face the real, cold, harsh world. At those times, the simpler things in life have to be realized. America lets its people roam free, it gives its people food to live, and it gives its people protection. A lot of countries have no(prenominal) of these things, concluding why America has so many immigrants, because they want to follow out the American Dream. The American Dream is a great experience, but like The Dream of Reality, it doesnt always workout as people dream it to be. With sleep still in my eyes, shivering, confused, I must(prenominal)ve overslept, now its time to wake up .Dreaming is one of the beat out things a person can do and everyone has to have dreams, but sometimes when you open your eyes too the real world things seem to change, all for the better or the worse. Without dreams, what can someones future look like? If there is no goal to shoot for, what keeps people motivated to try and achieve something each and every day? Everyone needs a dream its what keeps the viscous circle of life moving. The ancient tale of The American Dream has been pursued by many, but only few make it all the way. Though, with hard work and etermination the possibilities are endless. America is one of the very few places that give people an opportunity for success, and when people take advantage of it, good things can happen. The novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the two poems, Dream Deferred, by Langston Hughes, and American Dream of Reality, by Ivy S. , Loganville, all portray the American dream. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are a lot times overlooked for fame and fortune, but when it comes down to it money doesnt make you happy, its the simpler things that can bring happiness into someones life.

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