
Monday, March 11, 2019

Human Tendencies, Montessori

Through bug out history, worlds stand relied on their adroitness and adaptability for survival. Regardless of race, country, or culture, people follow similar patterns of exploration, inventiveness, and creativity. After age of c atomic number 18ful observation, Maria Montessori was sufficient to identify the importance of tendencies that compel serviceman universes to construct and refine the world around them.The practical application of the Montessori regularity is musical themed on human race tendencies to explore, move, sh be with a group, to be nonparasitic and make decisions, create sanctify, wear out self-control, abstract ideas from experience, engross the creative imagination, form hard, repeat, concentrate, and perfect peerlesss efforts. Tendencies are important to every human macrocosm as it draws us to adapt and tolerate under distinguishable circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to know the definition of tendencies and its general characteristic s. Definition of tendenciesWhat do we as indisputable by the word tendency is predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way, an inclining or contributing influence. In otherwise words, tendencies draw human being to achieve some share and nonplus. According to Montessori these tendencies are innate. They are the basis of our predispositions, or as named by Montessori in Formation of Man, our nebulae. compassionate Tendencies is a natural urge on to do something and is positive throughout our development. It is undecomposed to know and understand the radical human tendencies that we, as humans develop naturally.Every human being require to find in the milieu oxygen, food, water, tell apart and protection in order to survive and then to develop, so we have to survive archetypical and then to progress. These tendencies help us to lead human. These are the ways in which we, humans are all similar. They commix us as a species and distinct humans from animals. There are certain basic factors which do non change. What may change is what is stipulation to the head word. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education Mario M. Montessori, AMI, pg. 6 We can see that tendencies do not change and human tendencies are hereditary. Every unmatchable has the same tendencies, but the way we use them is assortedly. The tendencies lead us and sisterren learn independently from the milieu and adapt to either society.General characteristics Tendencies are universal and all human beings have them no matter where they are innate(p) in the world, irrespective of culture, nationality, race and religion. They are defend in all human beings right from birth and as such described as inborn or inert and they go away throughout life. They are unchanging in the way they function and have remained the same for different generations, but only special to suit the environs man finds himself in. There are several tendencies and all working in conc ert and not in isolation, are interconnected. An important principle in The absorbent Mind is that education starts from birth, so we must guard the childs psychic power in the first few years. The importance of tendencies for human being These tendencies are important for humankind and they need to be tell full to be suitable for us to live and develop.These tendencies are present at all ages of our lives but some are salutaryer than others during different developmental periods. The tendencies to a fault vary in the way and strength in which they get on in different people but they all exist in some form in every person. And it is these tendencies which guide our development and this one of the reasons why are important for the humankind. Tendencies serve to help human beings survive and develop in full qualification something of them. Animals have instinct and are born complete with everything they need to survive in an environment.The human beings have tendencies which p ostulate them to explore, develop and adapt in order to survive whatever the environment is. Human beings have both physical and psychological involve. The physical involve for food, shelter and clothing, and the psychological need for guarantor, love, art, music and culture. It is the tendencies that drive the humankind to smelling for and create those things that meet his physical and psychological needs from within his environment. Montessoris belief in the potential of every human being is grounded in the idea that the world can be changed for the better if education is commensurate to he childs true nature instead of being limited to the transmission of academic knowledge. However we also need to acknowledge that as members of the human species, children are born with certain genetic traits or potentialities, unique to human beings, Montessori called these traits, human tendencies. These tendencies relate directly to human needs for example our need for food is linked wit h our tendency to explore. 1. Tendency for exploration It is through performance that exploration began. People learn from the discoveries they make or that which others originally them made.They look around and make connections with things in their environment also by smelling and hearing. The child will have the natural urge to explore their environment they are in and are constantly tuition from what they see and hear around them. The child is learning how to use their basic dispositions as in see, taste, touch, hear and manipulate something or the other. In the first few months the child is learning how to move his arms and legs he is not very strong at this time his muscles are not developed withal and he just observes his surroundings. They imitate the actions of those around them.All the connexions from the foreland at the birth, which has one hundred billion neurons, are not yet made therefore they are waiting for being connected in the new environment. Even though we h ave an immense responsibility to let the right environment because the child will trust the environment and he will trust him to do things by himself. The child is an explorer. He needs to explore the world on a level that he is undecided of learning from. The function of the avail to Infancy is to put the child in touch with the many aspects of the world around him which will help him crystalize his impression, cast new skills and knowledge.The world is an exciting place and the entire to a greater extent so if the child is able to make his own discoveries about it. The Assistant will choose activities which may nurture his interest but be careful to help the child to point the discovery without actually making the discovery for him. That is all about the exploration. 2. Tendency for assemble The human being must have order in his environment to be able to find his way back home after exploring his environment. The child requires from of order whenever he is exploring. This w ill help him in on many levels- if he wishes to carry out an occupation successfully then order is required.Order and its extension into exactness and precision will help him to gain undefendable and accurate impressions so that he may understand his world better. international order can help create a logical and prim mind. We can observe in the small babies their love for order in their surroundings. They cannot practically live in disorder, they are so aware of it, thing which is not happen with the grown-up children. They will expect to find objects where they first perceive them and will go great lengths to put them back if they are out of place. 3. Tendency for OrientationThrough order we can build our manoeuveration within our surroundings. The child needs some points of reference in the environment to orientate him and find things. And this means he can orient himself in his environment and to act with purpose. In his book, The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education Mario Montessori states If the security given by the sense of orientation is removed, it is not that one expressions preoccupied in a city, one feels befogged in ones mind. pg 21, AMI pamphlet 1966 For a child, if something is usually placed in a certain spot, he wants to find it there.If the order is taken away, then he becomes disoriented, lost and unable to function properly. 4. Tendency for communication To communicate is the essence of our civilisation. This is what makes us different then other species. To have the ability to express oneself fully and accurately is a great gift. The to a greater extent the child is helped in this range the more independent he can be. The child is able to interact, express thoughts and ideas with people in his environment through language. Prior to developing language, the pamper only could communicate by crying which meant the adult had to guess his needs.With language, the child is better clearly able to express his needs and thoughts a nd become more independent and secure. 5. Tendency for self-esteem Feeling good about oneself is one of the generally accepted criteria for good mental health. One of things that help children feel good about themselves comes from the fact that they need a lot of support, love and attention from the adults around them. 6. Tendency for work ( endeavor) Since the child is in mental process of developing, movement plays a vital part within his life. Even movement for a young child is work.The child creates the movement even before the moment of birth, he starts from his mothers womb, because he has a strong tendency for the movement. And the tendency for movement keeps the child active. Some of it can be reflexive movement like grasping an object hanging and controlled movement going here and there. Being on movement is co-ordinated i. e. where the body and mind working in harmony. At the moment of birth movement is amazing, the turn over are very important. In the first few months babies start to develop head and trunk control. When lying on their tummy their hands are in position to help by pushing through the foundation surface.The child then requires activities that are both purposeful and challenging, that will pose real work to his life. The child mend engaged upon this type of activity will also be satisfying tendencies towards exactness, repetition, concentration, calculation and imitation while at the same time building a firm base for his creative imagination. 7. Tendency for group orientation The child knows that we are different from the animals or pets. He shows us that by crying at the beginning. He wants to belong to a group, especially with the closer ones- mother and family.The child makes sense of relationships and also learns the behaviour of that group i. e. the way they eat, speak, dress and the rules of how that place function i. e. gestures, words. And because he knows and he wants to become like adults around him is now sexual clima x the tendency for imitation. The basic skills of children are usually achieved through imitation, which is later modified by the child to suit his own personality and improved upon. For exemplar gregariousness leads to imitation. Even with adults, the need to conform to the way of life around us so that we are accepted leads to the imitation of the values of that society

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