
Monday, February 11, 2019

Consequences: the Cause and Effect of Drug Use Essay -- Health Drugs N

The commit of drugs has become a very controversial topic in society today. As the bother of using drugs continues to grow daily, the understanding of the user must be make aware of. In general, addicts taper a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effect. People abuse drugs for a wide sorting of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs ordain serve a character reference of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with dissimilar kinds of drugs. Three common examples are marijuana, speed, and cocaine. unhomogeneous reasons for using the substance discharge be for pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, borrowing into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each(prenominal) individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only farther down the line in which after effects of using can be seen.Reasons for using drugs depend on the type of substa nce beingness taken. Marijuana, speed, and cocaine all fall under the same category, but show different causes for use. Symptoms of each example contrasts as well. Since each of these have different effects with use, the individual will take the drug that can lift out resolve his problems or needs.Marijuana is used for galore(postnominal) reasons. Causes for use will either be used either illegally or medicinally. The demand for sens marijuana unlawfully depends on the user. First of all, unlawful skunk of marijuana is done for several reasons. These include peer pressure indoors and out of school, the desire to relax from stress, and to even identify themselves with popular media icons. The effects of the substance also cause symptoms that seem to be laid-backly desirably. When smoking marijuana, a sense of mood lift is ... ...ne as users seek the high that was involved with the first use of cocaine. Drugs are used by volume as a way out when feeling down approximately t hemselves. As effects may stay the same throughout, causes show that in that respect are a large number of reasons for use. Being lonely, isolated, and frustrated in life help start off the drive to escape. In many cases, using drugs is a coping mechanism, especially in kids. Emotions become numb as people try to escape the pain of reality. This is seen in the younker generation of today as everyday pressures are placed on them. Drug abuse makes people thing that they are recreating their former veto self image. This rebellious action gives the attention that is desired. From trying to fit in to hiding from problems, people will always have a choice. In the end, reality of drug use is that it will cause addicts to lose everything.

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