
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Urban Communities

-Analyze Goal-Means hoo-ha and cross outing in relation to offence in redbricke urban communities Many factors affect the crime in in advance(p) urban communities today. Factors such(prenominal) as the Labeling opening and the Goal-Means Gap guess affect the crime judge in many an(prenominal) urban communities. These sociological theories cause distortion which leads to crime. The labeling and Goal-Means Gap possible action are major theoretical explanations for crime. The Goal-Means Gap is the breakdown of affable norms that run from nightspots urging people to be ambitious provided weakness to provide them with the opportunities to succeed. The Goal- Means Gap theory presumes deviance happens if society encourages it by pressuring individuals. I conceptualise this relates to crime in modern urban communities because modern society heavily emphasizes winner and riches. just about urban communities lack success and wealth which pressures the individ uals to commit crimes to give out wealthy and successful. For modelling if a poor or homeless person person valued wealth they would commit a degenerate crime such as stealing. The labeling theory is concerned with how the self-identity and demeanour of an individual is influenced by how an individual is categorized and described by others in their society.
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The labeling theory suggests that deviance is caused by stereotyping the people in society exposed to, judging and accordingly defining someones port as brachydactylous or otherwise. This relates to the crime rate in modern urban communities today becaus e once a label is placed on an individual th! eir behavior breads to fit the labels they were given. For example once a do drugs addict is called a drug addict they start to do more drugs. These two sociological theories I believe greatly affect the crime rate in urban communities today. These norm-violators dont have an remedy to be deviant but these factors tend to cause these deviant crimes and behaviors.If you want to irritate a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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